Running Annoyances


ridiculous people stopping me on the street to ask me questions or talk to me WHILE im running. What the heck man???? So annoying!!!

So this morning, I'm running, and it's BITTER cold, and I'm at a good's near the end of my run, and I'm going against the clock trying to go faster...when all the sudden, this woman who is about 20 feet in front of me looks dead at me and starts waving her arms like she wants to ask me a question. I try to look away and then glance back, and she still is STARING at me and steps RIGHT into my path.

I stop...ANNOYED...take the earphones OUT of my ear...ya' know...the ear phones HANGING from my head in clear sight so that people will know I can't hear them and to LEAVE ME ALONE...

She says "Can you tell me where 78th Rd is?"

I look at the street sign RIGHT beside us and say "this is 78th Rd."

She goes: "oh, so I need this address, can you tell me how to get there." (shows me address)

I say: "Well, this is 78th walk down the street."

She goes: "So I should walk this way? I don't need to go to 78th Drive?"

I say: "No...the address says 78th Rd."

She says: "Oh, ok, thank you."

...I'm totally pissed...and now have to work up my pace from a dead stop- uhhh

NUMBER 2!!!!!
I also hate the moms who walk side by side with friends while pushing their strollers. They take up the whole sidewalk. I say excuse me, and they don't move. I say it louder, and sometimes they look at me, but rarely move. I go into the road.

NUMBER 3!!!!
OH...and I dislike those people who step out of a store door and see that I am running and that they are in my line of path or that I am in they stand, and they look at me....and glare at me as I HAVE TO MOVE AND GO AROUND THEM....if they had just kept walking....I WOUDLN'T HAVE HIT THEM....AND THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN MY PATH. Weren't they walking OUT of the store anyway....why stand in the doorway and stare at me and make me move....

ugh- I guess this is just further proof that the world does not revolve around me...


joshandliz said…

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