Introduction to Reconstruction
Introduction to Reconstruction
Installment Two: Create. Art. Truth. I’ve always been an artist, but I never wanted to say I was an artist because while I can hold my on in a variety of art forms, I would not say that I am STELLAR at any one. Nonetheless, I live to create. It’s how God made me, and I now know, that’s a good thing. God was the first creator, after all, and created people FOR HIMSELF. So I create this…
Is it for me? Well yes. It will help me heal. It will give me a voice. It will help me survive.
Is it for you? Maybe. Have you been through pain? Watched the bottom fall out of your life multiple times? Are you a Christian looking to develop a theology of suffering? Are you a person who actually just REALLY hates most Christians he/she knows? If you answer yes to any of those questions, then maybe this is for you.
Is it reality? Yes. It’s reality. Reality youtubing and blogposting- real time edits, even though I can’t edit, of what the truth is about being human AND being in ministry, or when a wounded person attempts to be.
So actually, what is this? This is something I lay on the altar and say, “here you go God. It really isn’t much, or well, I kinda made a mess of it, but you can have it. Burn it up. Reshape it and use it. Whatever you want God, but the gloves are off, so to speak, or to put it plainly, I realize now that I am naked and ashamed, and I can’t be away from you. Would you PLEASE give me some leaves to weave together, with animal hide. I know there will be consequences, but just please God, don’t turn me away from you. This, my God, is for you, all of me. I repent, and I’m sorry, and I thank you that you have allowed me the grace even to know that I can repent and come to you. Here I am God, use me, however you like.
Intro Videos: (Important to watch if you want a context through which to read my further installments. There are some disclaimers that need to be made or else you may end up only hearing one part of the story but missing the MUCH BIGGER picture…)
Jesus is in the Gumbo! The world is thirsty… the world needs to hear about Jesus and how he saves lives, not New Orleans gumbo. This inspired me.
Facebook Vid from last week- Scared to post…COULD I REALLY DO THIS? Why not? If others had done this more, it sure as heck would have saved me from making some stupid mistakes!
Introduction Videos to Chronicling a ReConstruction of Faith
Intro Vid after having complete meltdown over stress yesterday and sleeping a bajillion hours.
Intro Vid two because I realized I needed to say more and clarify.
Intro Vid three, because apparently no matter what I do, It’s going to take forever and be long.
Intro Vid four, man Megin, no need to disclaim anything; no one will make it this far! FOUR INTROS! You better deliver one stellar piece! ha. Probably not happening, but thank you for caring anyway :).
Here we go, yo.