Small Delights
Don't worry. I've been continuing 'wound healing,' but I haven't had the time to post up the last two days yet.
I wanted to quickly note three exciting things about today, however.
1. I only had time for a short run, so I ran over to Flushing Meadows Park near my house and ran, and I discovered that due to the impending boat races, they have put up docks on my side of the lake. I was so excited. Although I was terrified of docks as a children, I really love them now. They are so peaceful with the water splashing and flowing around. This past weekend on church retreat, I remembered how much I loved them, and now there are like 3 right near my house. I guess I'm allowed to sit on them....?? I donno. One is roped off with a gate, so that one I figure is private, but the others don't look private. I can't wait.
2. The GC Parkway was backed up, and cars were at a standstill (this is exciting not to them but to me...because of the following). I could hear the radio from cars, and this one SUV I ran past had country music blaring. In the South, everyone listens to country almost, and you hear it a lot b/c people are poor and don't have car AC and ride with their windows down. So running in Georgia, I hear a lot of country music. But if you know the greater NYC area, you know that we do NOT have a country station. I find this appalling, just another thing about NY that irks me. SO I figure this dude either had XM radio, was listening to a CD, or had his ipod or something hooked up to his radio speakers because the music was LOUD. It brought me back to running in the south. I have been praying for country music in NY since I moved here, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll check my stations again today.
3. Kevin Ong volunteered to teach the lesson next week at FFN without me asking him! That's always a plus. I don't like asking people b/c I really believe it's my responsibility. So if I ask people, I feel lazy. But if people ask ME, that's awesome! So I have time freed up next week to work on teacher training without working on a lesson for Friday :). Praise God. He really is providing this June.
That's all. Oh, and just so you can see how 1 and 2 are related, those two things made my run today feel very much like a run at home in Georgia- running by water with docks and country music seems very beachy/Southern. I liked it :)
Time to head to GFC and make some pasta salad for dinner for the kids :)
At the beach (by another dock) last weekend with my wonderful Christian family here in NY: