Random Entry Segment 2- Reasons Why I Like My Current Job

I am challenging myself to come up with 100 reasons why I like my current job...NOT because I dislike it, but just because I want to challenge myself to show more thanksgiving to God since He tells us we should thank Him and I don't really do that.

I'll start with 100 and work my way down....

100. I can spend sunny afternoons outside playing on children's playground equipment with kids that are actually my friends and call it work.

99. Lisa Liu. She could also be a reason that the job is hard, but she is so hilarious. I'm bound to laugh if Lisa shows up at the CC.

98. I get to finally put the young bullies in their places, releasing pint up frustration from my own Jr. High experience and letting these young brats in the making know that you just do NOT do certain things and that they are NOT as cool as they think they are. (I'm reliving a few weeks ago when I reprimanded some random middle school boy at the park b/c he was making inappropriate and sexual gestures toward one of my girls. I let him know it was not right and he was not so cool for doing it even if he thought he was, and then I asked him to stop. It felt good....especially as I saw he got afraid and then left the area :)!).

97. Hugs from Matthew Wong.

96. Hugs from Tiffany Lee.

95. I get to do random things to express my need for artistic/creative outlets  like make giant trees out of poster-board and spray paint.

94. I can bring my dog with me...occasionally.

95. Adolescents say really hilarious things...for example:

"Aww we are so alike Lisa!" -Me "You are nothing like me. You are a WOMAN!" -Lisa Liu.
"girls and guys aren't really all that different if you think about it." -tiffany.
"gross." -lisa.
"mei lin, wanna go to the store with me?" -me
"no." -mei lin "oh.
you must be talking to that BOY on facebook." -me
"ok, let's go!" -mei lin.


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