
Happy Day off to me. I'm glad to have time to sit here and blog and update you on meaningless things. Please comment and make me smile :).
So I just showered and got dressed quicker than I ever have in my entire life. Why you ask? Well, the windshield repair men are on their way sometime between 12 and 5, and I was terrified they'd arrive early/on time while I was in the showering lathering my hair. Then after I made it through the shower without the doorbell/incessant dog bark, I was terrified they'd come before my hair dried and that I'd have to go outside with them in the artic air with wet hair that would undoubtedly freeze and then break off. But a las, I managed to fully dress myself (minus make up because Wednesdays and Saturdays are no make up days), and they are still not here. I imagine now they probably won't arrive until 5:00. It's fine. I have a free day to rest and do enjoyable wedding activities :).
So recently, I've had a lot of breakage in my life: broken windshield, broken toilet, and most recently broken phone. I blogged during the summer about an incredible windshield repair. I now take back it's incredible'ness.' It continued to crack and cracked all the way across last week. So they are incredible at repairing for about 10 months :). ha. Now I am getting an entire new windshield for my car. It is costing $311.00. That's a lot of pepperoni pizza my friends, but it comes with a lifetime warranty meaning they will repair it for free if it ever cracks again so long as the crack is not caused by me being in a car accident.
In addition, my phone broke last weekend. LG phones are the worst phone, in my experience. I've had 4, all of which broke on their own. Before that, back in the prehistoric days of high school, I had nokia phones. They never broke, but I don't know that they are even a big company anymore. I tried to get my phone replaced since I have phone insurance, but they were giving me the runaround this time, so then I just decided to take Verizon's advice and upgrade to a new phone by renewing my contract. I really liked my old phone though...because it was a pretty blue. I suppose color is not the most important feature of a phone, however. So I went in earlier this week to upgrade, and I now have an android 2. Ugh. The reason I have this phone is simple...because Jesse did not go with me. If Jesse had gone with me or done this himself (note: it is not his fault. He's not even in the state. He couldn't go with me), but, if Jesse had gone with me or handled it himself, he would not have done the following:
1. Not researched online what his upgrade options were (I tried. I couldn't figure it out. I failed).
2. Not let the lady suggest to him the most expensive phones in the store just because he had a $100 off coupon for renewing his contract.
3. Not gone to the store when he only had 45 minutes to spare before needing to head to work. Well, he might have done this one.
4. Not believed the lady when she said the android 2 was basically just like the iphone but better for google users. (Well, maybe it is. I don't know. I didn't have an iphone for a REASON. I like simplicity when it comes to my phone).
5. Not decide on the phone and fill out the paperwork and everything to only THEN have the lady say 'oh i forgot, you have to pay for data usage with this phone; it's an extra 30 a month.' (At this point, I needed to leave for work and was confused and didn't know what to do so I said ok because she assured me i could return it/exchange it within 14 days). Jesse would have said 'no. you don't need it. you don't really even want it do you?'
6. And last but not least, not have been so eager to hurry and get the new phone that he didn't go through the hassle of just getting a replacement of the pretty blue version previously owned that worked fine...altho that thing did seem to break every 10 months.
So I have an android. It's really convenient I suppose...b/c it's its own internet source and all, but if i let it be that, it drains the battery in like 2 hours, so I usually keep the internet portion off. Plus, it's GOT SO MUCH STUFF ON IT, that doing the simple things of calling and texting are convoluted. I feel like this would be the case with the iphone as well. I did finally decide against the iphone last week b/c I didn't want to get up early on Thursday and go to the store to stand in line and get one....and because I didn't want to have to be without a phone until Thursday. But now I wonder if the iphone would at least be more simple to navigate? I...don't...know....
I forgot to mention, the alarm clock on this droid is super confusing and the possible alarms options are terrible. I tried rooster, but Jirem and I both jumped when it went off. Seriously. Jirem jumped. If it scares even my dog, I'm not using it to wake me up daily.
Perhaps most annoying, it syncs my phone with google and facebook, so now every one of my facebook friends that has his/her number on his profile has now been added to my contacts and I have their number....even if I don't even know them that well. Ugh. That makes me feel super overwhelmed. I went from having 1 Lisa in my phone to have 8. haha
So I'm not trying to complain with all this. I'm just telling you my current 'decision' I need to make and explaining that it's rather funny because if Jesse had been with me, or even probably Dana or Christen, I wouldn't have made this choice. If Kim or Whitney or my mom were with me, I would have. I don't see them talking me out of it. Actually, maybe Kim. She knows a lot about electronics. But since I can't marry any of these people I listed except Jesse, because he's the only boy, I am excited to say that I'm glad I will have forever a partner who can help me in these situations in the future. :)
So suggestions about the droid? suggestions from iphone users? suggestions about ANYTHING? I just donno that i wanna go through the hassle of getting a diff phone, but it might be worth it, right? Not to mention: Emily Xu called my new phone 'big' and 'thick.' hmph. I don't want a big thick phone :(.
Ok that's all for now. bye bye.